Assignment 1 and 2 are not evaluated yet

It’s a humble request to you @dharshinim.ug20.cs mam please evaluate our assignments as soon as possible.

@vishalke035 Please tell your batch name and Which Assignment.

FSR230523, React assignment 2(grid design) and assignment 3(movies website)

Evaluation process for Assignment 2 & 3 is ongoing. Soon you will get your results so don’t worry!

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Mam please recheck my grid design assignment, you commented that “Per row 3 cards should be there. But you implemented only 2 card .” But I’ve implemented three cards only as per as reference website.

Please evaluate it again carefully. :pray:
This was the link that I’ve given:-;


Only 2 card per row is implemented

Can you please check and share screenshot having 3 cards per row.

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there are three cards, I don’t know why are only two cards there on your screen?
See this:-

Then you can check my code I did also submitted GitHub link. There is no problem from my side in my code.

@vishalke035 Your assignment is regraded!

Feel free to ask any kind of doubts.

Have a Happy Learning1
Thanks & Regards
Dharshini M

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